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Donald Sutherland Wrote A Letter To Get Cast As President Snow In The Hunger Games

Donald Sutherland Wrote a Letter to Get Cast as President Snow in 'The Hunger Games'

The Letter Was Made Available to Fans

Written by BJ Colangelo June 20, 2024 5:48 pm EST

Donald Sutherland, who passed away last month, wrote a letter to director Gary Ross requesting to be cast as President Snow in the film adaptation of "The Hunger Games." The letter was later made available to fans on the 2012 DVD release of the film.

In the letter, Sutherland expressed his admiration for Ross's work and his belief that he would be perfect for the role. He also said that he was willing to do anything to get the part, even if it meant "crawling on my knees through broken glass."

Sutherland's letter was clearly persuasive, as Ross ended up casting him as President Snow. And while the actor has starred in many other great roles, his performance as the evil president is arguably one of his most memorable.
